Shannon Egold and Amanda Taylor, Buddy Pair from Franklin College, have been matched for several years and are truly a connected sisterhood. They have built a deep and meaningful relationship based on trust and sharing. They attend church together, spend time with other Buddy Pairs, and make a point to see each other on both their good and bad days. They are both recently engaged and share their friendship with their fiancés as well.
Shannon spoke about her friendship with Amanda:
“Amanda and I usually attend church together every Sunday. We both love that that time is understood to be just ours. We worship together and Amanda calls us sisters through God, which I absolutely adore. This has been an emotional month for Amanda because her grandma's health is declining at a rapid rate. She calls me almost every night trying to sort out her emotions. One day this past week I ran to the cafeteria between classes so I could see her because she had called me several times that morning. I had had an exceptionally rough day and when I found her cleaning tables we both just started to cry and stood in the middle of the lunch rush hugging each other. Those are the moments I live for. You know you have made a true friend when you can just look at one another and know exactly how the other person is feeling.”
Shannon and Amanda enjoying a game of times!!