Kelley Schreiner is currently in her 8th year with Best Buddies and is a member of the IUPUI chapter. In addition to her chapter involvement, Kelley is also serving in her first year on the Best Buddies Indiana Advisory Board. Kelley is very involved with the Spread the Word campaign to end the derogatory use of the r-word (check out her video below) and is an amazing self-advocate and a true champion for the disability rights movement. Read more about Kelley, in her own words.
Down Syndrome Indiana helped raise the money to create a Best Buddies office in Indiana and my parents heard about it from DSI and told me about it. My first Best Buddy, Angie Qualey, was a medical student and I got her from the IUPUI chapter. We are still good friends and she had a baby girl the day after my birthday.What is your favorite Best Buddies memory?Getting to meet Anthony Shriver at the Best Buddies Leadership Conference is my favorite memory. I had a lot of fun with my buddies, too.What are you doing today?My Best Buddy this year is Hannah, the president of Best Buddies at IUPUI. She is so nice. I am working at Longhorn Steakhouse and helping at my old grade school.
What is one word that makes you think of Best Buddies?Opportunity!
Kelley's Spread the Word to End the Word Video