At the end of the last school year, we asked our chapter leaders to nominate some of the outstanding friendships from their chapter for our annual Buddy Pair of the Year award. Inspired by one of the nominations, we wanted to feature one of these friendships in this month's Focus on Friendship Blog.
Marcella Seibert and Talina Velazquez both attend Westfield High School and have been matched for two years in the Best Buddies program.
Below is part of the nomination we received praising this incredible friendship:
"Their friendship is inspiring. They both have opened their hearts, encouraged laughter, and have demonstrated that friendship is one of life’s most precious gifts. Their friendship is an incredible example for the world to see. Westfield High School and Best Buddies are blessed to have such an incredible example representing their organizations."Here's a little bit from Talina and Marcella about their friendship:
Talina: It's great to hang out with friends on weekends, and
Best Buddies makes me get to know a lot of people at my school.
Marcella: Best Buddies means so much to me. I get to hang out with people who don't focus on image or exteriors, but who focus on what's on the inside. It is true friendship, which is what everyone needs at our age.
What is your favorite thing about your buddy?
Talina: My favorite thing about Marcella is that we hang out a lot.
Marcella: T always is ready to have fun. She is rarely in a sour mood. She has an amazing sense of humor and loves to goof around.
What do you and your buddy like to do together?
Talina & Marcella: We get our nails done, have girls' spa nights, movie nights, football games and go out to eat!
How has Best Buddies changed your life?
Talina: I have more friends because of Best Buddies. I feel included.
Marcella: I know that because of Best Buddies I can make a difference. I know that I will always have a true friend who will be there no matter what. It has taught me the meaning of true friendship.

Why do you think others should join Best Buddies?
Talina: It's very fun. It is a good experience for both the buddy and the peer buddy.
Marcella: It's a club where you get together to hang out with your friends. Who wouldn't want to join an organization like that?
To quote the nomination letter once more, "This pair represents what Best Buddies is all about: friendship, acceptance, and learning from each other."
We couldn't have said it better.
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