Monday, February 11, 2013

Two perspectives: A mother and a friend

Ron Copas and Christina Ho are a buddy pair from the Southport High School/RISE Learning Center Chapter. These two have grown to be very close friends and have graciously shared their story with us. Enjoy!

A Mother's Perspective

My son Ron has Down syndrome. When his older sister Katie was in high school, some of her friends wanted to be Ron’s best buddy in the Best Buddies program. It was discouraged because Ron is non-verbal. I expressed my concerns, disagreement and disappointment in this decision but did not push the issue. When Ron’s youngest sister became high school age and her friend wanted to participate and wanted Ron as a best buddy, I again approached the issue with the school. They were willing to allow Ron to participate.  However, when the matching began the young girl who had said she would be there did not show up.  They went ahead and matched him with a young gal named Cindy Ho. They got along famously and had a wonderful year. This, the following year he has been matched again with Cindy’s younger sister Christina Ho.

Christina is even shyer and less talkative than her older sibling. She does not care that Ron is nonverbal.  She is content to go out to eat with Ron, or go to the movies and will arrange this through me, his mother.  She interacts with him and talks with him and he is responsive as he loves looking at her and just being with her.  She and her friends will meet Ron at Ron’s school’s Special Olympics basketball games and enjoy sitting in the bleachers with Ron. They state they love watching these basketball games more than they enjoy their own high school games.  It is not hard to figure out why as you watch how much it means to the Special Olympics players and how excited they become when they make a basket or win the game. She and Ron love hanging out.  It takes a special person to even want a friendship in the first place let along even maintain one with someone who is nonverbal. If you ask me, Cindy and Christina Ho are indeed the very special people in this equation. 

You cannot imagine what it does for this mother to see people who want to be friends and who go out of their way to cultivate a friendship with her son who would have no other avenue for friendships if it weren't for Best Buddies. 

A Friend's Perspective

 How long have you known Ron?
I've know Ron ever since my sister, Cindy, was his buddy. So it's been a little less than 2 years.

What’s your favorite thing about Ron?
My favorite thing about Ron is the fact that once he gets a hold of your hand he just pulls you in. I think it's very sweet, even though many people think that he's getting into my personal space I really think that it's touching when he holds my hand. And also the fact that when he smiles he doesn't really smile, he gives you a loop sided grin (it's really a smirk). Oh, and whenever he sees fire he's all hyper and wants to touch it. One last one, another favorite thing I like about Ron is the fact that he loves music and once he hears any kind of music that he can jam to, he sings along.

What do you like most about Best Buddies?
I love Best Buddies because of the people in it. Everyone is extremely kind, outgoing, and I feel as if they're not judgmental people. Most of the buddies are willing to talk to me and they are always so enthusiastic about what they are telling me about. Plus, whenever they answer me I don't receive just one worded replies.

What do Ron and you like to do together?
My favorite thing to do with Ron and his family is going to the movies. I wasn't really movie person before I met Ron, but thanks to him I'm always getting updated about what new movies will be out and what's good or not. I also love going out to eat with his family. We are always trying out new food, mostly Asian food so far, but I'm pretty sure we'll move onto Indian or Italian food once we've tasted everything Asian. 

What makes your friendship so special?
I think our friendship is special because Ron and I don't talk very much. We're both contented with   looking at other people, and the fact that if we could just sit and do nothing all day, we both wouldn't mind it. Another thing that makes it special is the fact that Ron is my first guy friend that is shorter than me, so he can't put his elbow on top of my head and make fun of my height. Plus, I like the fact that I'm actually using my little arm strength to keep Ron from running away from his family whenever we go out to eat (because food is all he sees when we go dining).  

To support friendships like Christina and Ron's, please support us in the 2013 Best Buddies Indiana Friendship Walk!