Thursday, September 17, 2015

Be the Change!

Abby Love and Sheila Schuh are both student leaders Carmel HS chapter, attended the Best Buddies International Leadership Conference this past summer and are fast friends. Sheila shares an incredible story about her best friend!
An amazing man once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." 
One of my best friends has given that quote a run for its money. Many would look at Abby Love and label her as what is first seen. She has special needs. I could go on and list her disabilities. But Abby has lived such an inspiring 20 years of life, she has shown me it is so much easier to list her ABILITIES. My freshman year, my first friend at Carmel High School was miss Abby Love. We went from being Rapunzel and a Dalmation at a Best Buddies halloween dance to President and Buddy Director of our Best Buddies chapter. Abby has made an excellent addition to our team. She comes to each officer meeting with her notebook and pen to take notes, attended the Best Buddies Leadership Conference, interviewed all incoming buddies this year and has been a stellar example of what it means to be a friend. 
A friend is one who is there in all times with bunches of love and laughter. Abby Love does just that. This is not only in Best Buddies. Abby has spoken at several Dance Marathons about her experience as a Riley Kid. She is part of our gigantic choir at Carmel where she performs in all concerts. She has acquired several jobs. Among all of these activities, she has spread her friendship along the way. Each weekend, Abby is going out with friends to Noodles & Co. and Orange Leaf. Her joy is contagious. People cannot get enough of her. 
My friend has shown that struggles and hardships mean nothing when you have a lot of love to spread around!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Compassion and Music - The Ticket to Friendship

Darby and Marina from the Hamilton Southeastern HS Best Buddies chapter have been matched for the past two years and have developed a really awesome friendship! Their friendship is built on compassion, and listening to music. Read about their story:

Darby shared the following about her friendship with Marina, 

"My favorite thing about having Marina as a Buddy is that I really like her.  My favorite thing to do with Marina is ride in her car and listen to music.  She drives me home from school a few times a week.  I also like to going to the pet store with her and petting the kittens.  I've met some pretty nice friends through Best Buddies and this is my 5th year!  Some of my friends from Best Buddies have gone to college, but still stay in touch and come visit me when they are home.

I never really had friends before I joined Best Buddies and went to high school.  I've done a lot of fun things like go to prom, go out to eat, bowl, have movie nights, and go swimming with my Buddies.  Everyone should have a Best Buddy to hang out with.  They are nice and I like all my friends from Best Buddies!"
Marina discusses the impact of Best Buddies and the incredible friendship she has with Darby,
"Best Buddies has really changed my life in so many ways. I've always been non-judgmental and inclusive, but I never realized how people with IDD have to deal with not being included. I love being involved and getting to speak to people about how people with disabilities shouldn't be judged because they perfect.  
My favorite thing about Darby is that she is so caring. She can tell when I have a headache and she'll ask if I'm okay. Whenever she sees an ambulance she says, "oh no! Someone got hurt!" I love that her mind is always thinking of others before herself. Darby and I love listening to music and doing puzzles. We also like to go out to eat and watch The Big Bang Theory! We like a lot of the same things; she's a teen and so am I!  
Best Buddies affects my life in a big way. Before this program I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was older or who my true friends were. I now know what career choice is right for me and if my friends can't accept people with IDD then maybe they can't accept me. Best Buddies is an amazing way to get involved in your school or community. Everyone needs a bit of inclusion and love in their lives. Best Buddies is that spot of sunshine in this scary world. You never know, this could be your calling and you wouldn't know it unless you joined!"